MÙ (Wood) at B. Sakata Garo Gallery

The inside of the B. Sakata Garo Gallery is as spacious as it appears on the outside. The gallery did not stand out from the surrounding buildings, but the inside was warm and welcoming. The gallery itself was well lit, each piece piece of work seemed to be placed well next to one another.

The sign for the show was in the back of the building near an outdoor garden. Mu means wood and I felt the title is fitting because all the work in the show was related to wood including sticks, processed wood or even prints and wood blocks.

Meech Miyagi - "Blinded by Certainty". Materials: Tissue over wood. 2018.
 I found out about this show because of Professor Meech Miyagi, I met him in 2012 and he was the reason I became an art major. It was amazing to see his work in person for the first time. This sculpture was placed towards the entrance. It was lit by the warm light from the gallery and the cooler overcast light from outside.  

I appreciate the buildup and texture of sticks and wire to create a life-sized figure. The contrast of the different textures and colors within the form, pedestal, walls and floor are pleasing to me.

 Chris Daubert "Giorgio Morandi, 1918" Materials: wood. 2018.
I recently found out our professor has a piece here as well! The shadows casted by the bottle form, shadow box and the forms within creates a feeling there being more space. The forms within appear to be floating and are threaded through string to stay in their position. The linear qualities of the wall and shapes in the piece complement each other very nicely.
I was told during a studio visit that Giorgio Morandi painting the same objects for 50 years. This is a sculptural recreation of Morandi'a oil painting titled, "Metaphysical Still Life, 1918."

Tony May- "Variable Construction" Materials: wood. 2017.
I was really drawn to this piece because of the symmetry and the shadow casted behind it.  But the closer I look, I see there's a long bar behind the left side and the small string on the top right side.

I went to this gallery on Friday, January 2, 2018 around 4pm with Ricardo Lopez when there was no one else there. I prefer visiting galleries and museums when there aren't a lot of people around. This way I'm more comfortable in the space to experience the work. I would definitely recommend you all to visit this show before tomorrrow, which is the last day! There's also a Review of this show on Square Cylinder which I'll put the link below. And Subscription to Square Cylinder is free!


